We are the Corymbia Sangha. The lemon-scented gum tree is biologically known as corymbia citriodora found largely in northeastern Australia. For me personally, I find the smell of the lemon gum tree soothing and refreshing at the same time—a poignant and stark picture of the land I've come to love. For this reason, I have chosen this name infused with the spirit of freedom for a new Sangha that I'm nurturing in the non-aligned interspiritual and secular dharma space.
Though a practicing Buddhist for nearly 50 years while trained in the traditional schools and lineages of Buddhism for 40 years; and later formed in the Christian biblical tradition for the past 9 years, I've come to a point in my spiritual practice where labels and institutional identities no longer make any sense. My main teacher in insight meditation Acariya Godwin Samararatne was the first to encourage me to inquire fearlessly. This echoes the ethos of empirical inquiry salient in the Pali suttas of Gotama Buddha. The spirit of creativity and innovation purely embodied in Chan/Zen comes alive for me in Chan Master Sheng Yen (1931-2009) and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Since 1995, I've been trained in the neohumanistic and tantric paradigm of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990), whose profound cosmic vision has had a deep influence on me.
For many years now, I've been reading the works of Stephen Batchelor, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Rupert Spira in earnest interest suffused with evocative insights. Books like "The Faith to Doubt" by Batchelor as well as "Freedom from the Known" and "The Awakening of Intelligence" by Krishnamurti, all of which I read in the early 1990s got me thinking afresh on many of life's core questions. The warp and woof of life, coupled with many situational twists and turns, have all conspired to lead me to a liminal space of sublime luminosity where orthodoxies and dogmas no longer hold sway; a groundless ground where non-religion, non-theology, and non-philosophy resonate more than fixed bastions of knowledge. While I continue to manifest in theological and spiritual ways on other platforms, it has become necessary to also honour this pulse of radical deconstruction of the known that emerges within this field called 'me.' Yet, encompassing and grounding this field at its nucleus is the person and activity of the cosmotheandric Christ — not as fixed religious dogma or post-theistic secular philosophy, but as an intensely personal revelatory insight. This revelatory insight is hardly effable but may be clumsily described as a relational field of empty pleromic mutuality [Greek. pleroma = fullness]. There is no fixed agenda or destination; no plan or idea of what's next: just plain flowing in the currents of the Dao wherever they may lead. I invite you to connect with our Corymbia Sangha. ~ Atammayato (无位散修) |
Life is the temporal flux of things in the human world; life is a Beginningless, Endless, sempiternal [literary: eternal and unchanging; everlasting] process of symbolic exchange. Life is endlessly self-renewing motion. Life is like a soap opera, a baggy portmanteau in which the tragic and the comic, the infinitely serious and the utterly trivial are all jumbled up together." |